Programmers Jokes

What Does C++ Says to C

 wat does c++ says to c
tat u dont have a class


A group of computer science majors were listening to a lecture about Java programming at a university. After the lecture one of the men leaned over and grabbed a women's handphone.

Woman: "Hey! Thats private OK!?"

The man hesitated for a second looking confused.

Man: "But I thought we were in the same class?"

PS: This joke has been modified a bit

Bugs in Code  

 99 little bugs in the code,
99 little bugs,
Take one down, Patch it around,
117 little bugs in the code.


How to hide your important files from people without making Hidden folders

1. Go to Desktop and create a new folder

2. Name the folder Internet Explorer

3. Change the folder icon to Internet Explorer

4. Keep it in a corner of the desktop

now no one will open internet explorer haha


NotMe said...

.Titanic{float: none;}

Erance Magoro said...

Java developers wear glasses because they don't C#