Meet the Youngest CEO in the world

It’s time for us to meet the World’s Youngest CEO and Youngest Girl Web designer.You would be awestruck to know that she has so far designed more than 20 websites within a span of 6 years.

Cute little Sreelakshmi has grabbed many accolades from international bodies, including the most prestigious Glo...bal web award for excellence in web designing. highest National Child Award for Exceptional Achievement 2008, which is the highest award for Children in India. She now has more than 30 awards to her credit.
She became the Youngest CEO of the world at the age of eight by starting her own web designing company, eDesign Technologies, in 2008.

There are 4 exceptional lessons to learn from this inspiring story, to achieve success in life :-

People say that you are too young or too old to achieve success in life. After reading this you would have understood that age is not a criteria for success.
All of us have have million dollar ideas. But the million dollar question is that do we have the will to put that into action.
It requires courage, confidence and the willingness to face challenges. So what are you waiting for? This is time to draw your most
preferred caricature.
Without discipline you can’t reach great heights. You may have the skill, but
you should acquire the discipline to ensure that your skill doesn’t get ruined.
You might be a great singer or an ultimate dancer, but wasting your time in something that you don’t love.
Embrace the fears that stops you from making that bold move.
Its now or never.
Sreelakshmi Suresh has proved and now its your time..!
I would request you to share this story with your friends and relatives, if the world’s youngest CEO has inspired you.

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